Paths Functions to build, interpolate, and SVG paths made of Bèzier curves
Copy import {move, curve, serialize} from "react-native-redash";
const Example = () => {
const path = createPath({ x: 0, y: 0});
addCurve(path, {
c1: {
x: 1,
y: 0
c2: {
x: 1,
y: 1
to: {
x: 1,
y: 0.5
const d = serialize(path);
return (
<Svg viewBox="0 0 1 1">
<Path d={d} fill="cyan" />
createPath(path, {x, y})
Create a new path
addCurve(path, {c1: {x, y}, c2: {x, y}, to: {x, y}})
Add a Bèzier curve command to a path.
Add a close command to a path.
⚠️ this function cannot run on the UI thread. It must be executed on the JS thread
Parse an SVG path into a sequence of Bèzier curves. The SVG is normalized to have absolute values and to be approximated to a sequence of Bèzier curves.
Serialize a path into an SVG path string.
Interpolate between paths.
Copy const progress = useSharedValue(0);
// ⚠️ parse() cannot be executed on the UI thread
const p1 =
parse("M150,0 C150,0 0,75 200,75 C75,200 200,225 200,225 C225,200 200,150 0,150 ");
const p2 = parse(
"M150,0 C150,0 0,75 200,75 C75,200 200,225 200,225 C225,200 200,150 0,150 ");
const animatedProps = useAnimatedProps(() => {
const d = interpolatePath(progress.value, [0, 1], [p1, p2]);
return {
return <Path animatedProps={animatedProps} />;
Interpolate two paths with an animation value that goes from 0 to 1.
Copy const progress = useSharedValue(0);
// ⚠️ parse() cannot be executed on the UI thread
const p1 =
parse("M150,0 C150,0 0,75 200,75 C75,200 200,225 200,225 C225,200 200,150 0,150 ");
const p2 = parse(
"M150,0 C150,0 0,75 200,75 C75,200 200,225 200,225 C225,200 200,150 0,150 ");
const animatedProps = useAnimatedProps(() => {
const d = mixPath(progress.value, p1, p2);
return {
return <Path animatedProps={animatedProps} />;
Return the y
value of a path given its x
Copy const p1 = parse(
"M150,0 C150,0 0,75 200,75 C75,200 200,225 200,225 C225,200 200,150 0,150"
// 75
getYForX(p1, 200))
// ~151
getYForX(p1, 50)